We are a pediatric healthcare clinic and so much more! Lubbock Children's Health Clinic serves as a medical home, or a trusted, comforting place where you and your child are the center of care.
Lubbock Children's Health Clinic offers families access to quality healthcare and support services regardless of insurance or financial status.

Our actions are guided by the belief that a child’s health condition should not depend on their family’s financial condition. This is why we continue...
This year Lubbock Children's Health Clinic celebrates 85 Years of unwavering commitment to children's health. For over eight decades, we’ve ensured that all children have access to quality healthcare. Our efforts provide help supply free pharmacy vouchers, on-site food pantries, clothing closets, counseling, and more, for a holistic approach to healthcare that truly serves every child.

Over twenty five percent of Texans live in a rural or underserved area. There is a food insecurity crisis in Lubbock and Wellpoint (formerly Amerigroup), Lubbock Children's Health Clinic and South Plains Food Bank are here to help.